Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Boy Chic

Now that summer has officially arrived, wedding season follows! We have a wedding to attend next week, and while little O is napping, I couldn't stop myself from jumping on Etsy to see if I could find any cute and appropriate wedding attire for our handsome little man to wear!

I stumbled upon rocknrags' shop, and simply LOVE this adorable little vest/tie/onesie combination! Gone are the days (and time) of layering for this mamma - so I love how you can simply slip it on your little man and still get a stylish, boy chic effect! Simply pair it with a pair of cargo's or khaki's and you are set!

It is too bad I did not find this before, however, I think this is a must purchase for future events!

Monday, June 21, 2010

His First Father's Day

My Husband and Baby O's Daddy celebrated his first Father's Day yesterday. The sun decided to come out and cooperate with us. Although the day was fairly relaxed - we spent the morning picking out his gift (a set of golf clubs from Baby O!)and then lunch spent at his favorite downtown "best kept secret" restaurant stuffing ourselves with a Canadian Classic,followed by a beautiful walk to a nearby park, an afternoon spent outside in the back yard in which a a BBQ supper followed, ending the day with a nice cold lime beer (by my husband of course, not me!)

I commend all the Daddy's out there - for they do not receive the recognition that is always deserved. I also took a moment yesterday to reflect on all the single father's out there. If you are interested in adding another blog to your follow list, you MUST add this one: matt, liz and madeline
His incredible story of loss, survival and celebration truly amazes and inspires me every day to become a better parent. He is an amazing father to his beautiful daughter, Madeline and has provided her with opportunities of a life time at such a young age...

To all your Daddy's out there, THANK YOU!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Rainy Day DIY: Table With Wood

Well it has been raining here for the past couple of days - leading to cabin fever for both me and the little man. When you can't get out and enjoy the nice fresh air, why not tackle a DIY project?!
I am a HUGE fan of DIY and get all "giddy" inside when I spot projects that catch my eye.I stumbled upon this particular project from the style files. This DIY "table with wood" is a very simple task that even the most "no crafty, non DIY" people can handle!

I would modify the table into a storage ottoman, and instead of covering the top with wood, a little faux sheep skin cover would look fantastic! It would go perfect in baby O's woodland themed nursery and could be used as both storage for all those toys and books as well as an extra chair for mommy or daddy while we play with our little man!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The EASY Routine Via "The Baby Whisperer"

If you were like me as a first time mom, bringing your little one home from the security and comfort of the hospital and their staff can be quite overwhelming. I spent the first couple of weeks in pajama's, hair uncombed and I hate to admit that even on some days, I did not even get a chance to brush my teeth! After a week of days like these, I knew that I had to get things under control and turned to many of my new mommy friends out there for advice. One of my friends recommended the book "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracey Hogg. I put my library card quickly to use and it was in my hands in no time!

Hogg outlines a routine within her book that she recommends all new mom's start as soon as their little one arrives home. The EASY routine. We started little "O" on this routine when he was 12 days old. Please read below for a brief summary:

It is as follows:
E - Eat
A - Awake
S - Sleep
Y - You

She outlines that the EASY routine can be done on a 2.5 hour or 3 hour cycle, depending on your preference and your babies needs. The sequence of events must be done in that order. First, you feed your baby - breast or bottle. This feeding should take around 30-45 minutes.
After you are done feeding, you have some awake time with your little one. This time could be spent on a play mat, in a swing, or simply just talking to your baby.
(Caution: Do not make the mistake that we made with little "O" in the beginning - we were spending way too much awake time and he simply became overstimulated. Start out slow - five minutes is still five minutes of awake time. Our little guy simply loved to look around the house and we soon learned that we did not have to provide any intervention). The goal is to work your way up to 20-25 minutes of this time.
After you have your play time with your little one, it is time for them to go down for a nap. (The biggest mistake that new parents make, and admittedly so did I, was to feed your baby to sleep and then have awake time. You want to caution on using the breast or bottle as a sleep aide, as when it comes time for them to wean themselves from either, your days will become quite long and frustrating!)
Within a 3 hour cycle, she recommends 1.5-2 hours of sleep time. (Be aware that you should never let your baby sleep more than 3 hours at a time during the day so that they are able to distinguish day from night - and it is perfectly ok to wake a sleeping baby!)
Once your baby is down for a peaceful nap, that leaves "you" time - whether you spend it napping (which I highly recommend in the first 4 weeks!), cleaning the house or painting your toe nails, it is completely up to you!
Once your baby wakes, start the process all over again!

A routine gives both baby and parents predictability in their day - something that we could all use when learning the art of "parenthood"
Little "O" is now 8 weeks and he has adjusted well to EASY- in fact, he slept a whole 8 hours last night!

I hope this gives all you new parents out there a brief overview - and I hope your days become a little more predictable!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Etsy: Handmade Owl Baby Doll Dress

I stumbled upon this adorable dress from Mimisdressshop this morning while getting in my daily etsy fix. It's a good thing I don't have a girl, as I am positive my credit card would be maxed with all the cute handmade dresses she has!

For all you mamma's out there who have sweet little girls....couldn't you just imagine your little one running through the grass, barefoot, with this little number on?