Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Design- A- Crayon

Over the past couple of days, I have seen glimpses into what little "O" will be like as a toddler..and although some of this glimpses make me very, very nervous...I am also very excited! I look forward to the day (well, not too forward quite yet!) in which I can have conversations with my little man and we can engage in activities together that last longer than fifteen minutes!

As a child, one of my FAVORITE (and I will admit, still is!) activities was coloring. There is something about a pack of new crayons that seems to create a magnetic force around all children - big and small!.

Gone are the days where crayons come in one standard package and, you can just about find them in any size, color, shape and form!
I absolutely LOVE the shop designcrayon on Etsy. You can find just about any type of design or character in the form of a crayon (not that you need any more incentive to sit down and color, right?).
All of these crayons are just perfect for little hands to grasp and to take off on paper along side their imaginations!

My favorite? the cosmo space alien crayons pictured above!

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